The internet is a scary place, especially if you are pregnant or a new parent. Skip the fear and the drama and join the most supportive group for parents online - Lil Helper Unsnapped!
I thought Lil Helper was just for cloth diapers?
No way! We have all the resources new parents need for cloth diapering, but Unsnapped is about way more than that!
Our Facebook group is the perfect place to ask for advice and get support as a parent. Up at 2 am with a fussy baby? So is someone else in Unsnapped. Not sure how to handle picky eating? Unsnappers understand! Looking for sensory play ideas? Nursery decor inspiration? Unsnapped is the place to be!

How is that different than the other parenting groups on Facebook?
We are proud of the positive community we are. Where other parenting groups are known for mom shaming, Unsnapped is known for kindness.
For example, when one Unsnapper posted last year about having all of her cloth diapers stolen out of her vehicle, this incredible group rallied. Members stepped up and reached out and replaced her whole stash out of the kindness of their heart. You can read the full story here.

Plus, as the group host, Lil Helper provides chances to win the products you love, and gives you special access to launches (Unsnapped members find out before the rest of social media when our new prints launch)! Plus, we provide you with valuable resources for cloth diapering, like handy snap guides for other caregivers, and special posts like Tuesday Tips where you can learn the best parent hacks out there!

Ready to connect? Subscribe to our emails (click here if you want all the goodness and Lil Helper info sent straight to your mailbox) and join Unsnapped. We are parents too, and we promise you’ll be glad you did!