[lil helper]2 Ambassador Program
Why do you call it [lil helper]2?
Because our ambassadors are Lil Helper’s lil helpers. Lil Helper Squared.

So, is this group for you?
Lil Helper Ambassadors are patrons who are using our products or who have used our products. They’re involved in social media discussions, they believe in our products and our philosophy.
That sounds like me!
Already spreading the good news about our company? Well, we are making it easier (and more fun) for you to share your enthusiasm about Lil Helper!
Lil Helper doesn’t have a marketing team so we rely on our customers to share our awesomeness through word of mouth - because who would you trust more? A marketing team of strangers? Or your best friend/cousin/neighbour/colleague?

Well I would obviously trust someone I know, but everyone has a marketing team. How come you don’t?
Honestly, marketing is expensive. We chose to not spend that money so that we could do other things like focus on our Baby Do Better program, as well as keeping our costs low so customers like you can keep enjoying our affordable prices :) While we have recently started advertising a little, we still believe that word of mouth is most important and we’d love to have you on board!
So if I'm an ambassador what do I have to do?
The good part! You get to talk to people about awesome products! Products that you love and use and believe in. Maybe you’ll convince someone to try one and they’ll love Lil Helper as much as you but BEST of all you might make a new friend!
So on top of knowing that you are spreading the word about some awesome products that can help out people in your life, there are also serious perks to being an ambassador!
Ooh, I’m intrigued. Tell me about the perks!
All participants will have the first look at new prints/designs/products. The ambassador group members will be able to vote between colour combinations, prints, and solid colours. They will then have first access to these new products.
· Tester products are available to eligible members for trial and feedback before the introduction of a new product.
· Exclusive discounts for members upon sign up and throughout the year!
· Ambassadors get rewarded via points which can then be redeemed for new products or awesome merchandise!
· Access to the super secret private Facebook group exclusively for the Lil Helper Ambassador Program where there are monthly contests and challenges to win awesome prizes!

Are there any requirements for joining?
So we’ve shared the perks, now let’s talk about expectations :)
What you agree to:
1)Active participation – We need members who are active and available.
What does that mean?
Being active can be a few different things.
You’re active in the group- posting, commenting, liking, participating in challenges etc.
You’re active online- In a lot of parenting groups? Helping other people with issues and advice? Talking up LH in the process? Great! Take screenshots. Let us know!
Big on social media? Posting about LH often? Have a blog, your own IG or FB page or Tik Tok account? Link and tag us!
2) Social Media sharing
Social media is how we get most of our reach. Sharing links to our sales, events and products is really important.
While we would love for you to follow us on ALL social media platforms (Facebook/IG/YouTube/Pinterest/Twitter/TikTok) we do ask that you follow us on at least Facebook and Instagram. and your social media accounts MUST be public
3)Share at least 4 posts per month on any platforms.
*I don’t share pics of my babies online*
That’s ok! Any pics we ask you to share do not have to include your babies! You can take product shots or stash shots or get creative so you don’t show your little one’s face.
4) The last expectation is the requirement to fill out a quarterly type form (quick and painless we promise!). Hopefully this quarterly assessment will not only give you a way to hold yourself accountable as well as help us keep track of how folks are participating.
Sample questions for quarterly survey:
Do you participate in discussions?
Do you like/comment on posts?
Do you offer suggestions?
Do you leave reviews?
If you aren’t active on the group do you share on other social media platforms?
This all sounds incredible and I need to apply immediately!

Great! As mentioned above we rely on our ambassadors to spread the good word of Lil Helper. We expect our ambassadors to have used our products and believe in our philosophy.
Being helpful, kind and honest are things that are very important to us. Are you ready to shout our praises from the rooftops? Click the link below to apply!
I haven’t tried any products yet.
If you haven’t used a Lil Helper product then sadly you’re not eligible to be an ambassador, just yet. It’s hard to recommend a product that you haven’t used yourself. Once you try something let us know what you think! We love feedback. And if you loved it as much as we hope you do stop back and apply!
Applications are accepted once every 3 weeks and the application process is open for 24 hours. We can’t wait to hear from you!