There are so many misconceptions about parents who choose to cloth diaper. Once disposable became the norm, cloth began to be seen as difficult, even dirty. But we are here to share how that is just not true. Cause these ain’t your grandma’s cloth diapers!

Misconceptions about Cloth Diapers
When my first child was about 2 months old, we travelled across Canada to visit our family. Despite being told during pregnancy that it was impossible and ‘too much work’ I was determined to cloth diaper. So when we went on this family vacation, all our Lil Helper diapers came with us.
I remember sitting in my family’s cottage, with cousins and aunts all around. My older cousin held my baby and said, “hold on... are you not using disposable diapers?”
I told her no, we are using cloth and love it. She laughed out loud and said, “Yeah, I remember when my babies were small [the early 90’s] I said I’d do that. I lasted about a week before I went running to the drug store for Pampers. You won’t last long!”

I shrugged it off, because as cloth diaper families, we get used to these types of comments. Older generations who sung the praises of disposables when they arrived for the convenience of no more pins and pre-folds and rubber pants.
It was a short while later, I was changing my daughter and this same cousin walked up. She picked up one of our Lil Helper diapers and said “THIS is a cloth diaper!? Well I could’ve done THIS!”
About the Great Cloth Diaper Change

Despite a growing community of parents who see the economic and environmental benefits and choose cloth, there are still a lot of old ideas out there about what cloth diapers are. That is why the Great Cloth Diaper Change began, “to demonstrate that cloth diapers were a real option for today’s families”.
We are thrilled to be hosting our second annual online event as a part of this effort to make cloth mainstream (and perhaps some in person events too)!
While the main event will take place Aprill 22 - 24, 2022, in the weeks leading up you can join our Facebook group and participate in great discussions, games, and even win some free cloth diaper swag!

If you are a cloth diaper pro, newbie, or just curious what it’s all about, this is the place to be! Join Lil Helper as we work to make cloth mainstream, dispel the myths about cloth diapers, and celebrate all the adorable fluff butts out there!
Can’t wait to see you there!