Winter brings a whole host of new challenges for parents. From car seat to bedding safety, plus navigating winter blues and cold and flu season, there is a lot to consider. Don’t get left out in the cold this winter, read on for our favorite winter tips for parents.
1. Ditch the winter coat guilt
You will get strange looks from older folks shuffling your baby in and out of the store, wrapped up in a blanket and a sweater. But remember, it’s the best for their safety in the car. While the bulk of cloth diapers don’t pose a safety risky, puffy winter coats can interfere with the safety of your carseat. So stick with your gut and the science and do that cold weather door dash - and drive easy knowing your kiddo is buckled up safe.
2. Invest in wind proof blankets
Speaking of the winter weather, you’re going to want some wind proof blankets to make those transitions easier. Whether you’re bundling up for the stroller or carrier on a winter walk, or going from the grocery store to the car, our Lifesaver Mats make a great added layer with wind protection to keep your little on cozy.
3. Keep the sickness essentials on hand
The last thing you want to be doing is dashing to the store late at night when little one shows signs of the sniffles. And since this year’s flu and RSV season is already proving to be challenging, (hello Tylenol shortage) it’s best to keep your go to illness items on hand. Tylenol, honey, vaporub, a Nose Frida, and some super soft cloth wipes are all in my sickness kit. Try to stock up whenever possible when your family is well - so you have what you need when well babies show symptoms in the middle of the night.

4. Get cozy at night and remember safe sleep
Grab a sleepsaver crib sheet for mattress protection, a cozy feel, and the best in safe sleep. Our crib mattresses are perfect for remaining breathable and safe with no loose bedding, while also allowing your baby to feel some comfrot from the super soft Minky top layer. Sleep easy all winter long.
5. Get outside
Yes, the weather outside may be frightful, and the fire is so delightful, but you should still try to get outside as often as you can! A short walk around the block is great for mental health, vitamin D, and bonding time with your little one. Don’t get stuck inside all winter. Get out and enjoy the fresh air, and when you can’t reach out to friends and be sure to stay connected.
How are you managing winter and keeping baby cozy? Let us know in the comments below!